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XSI® Public Indices Report

Ocean freight long-term contract market

June 2024:

The Global XSI®, which measures all valid long term contracts in the market, fell to 147.8 points in June, which is its lowest level since April 2021.

June’s Global XSI® is 2.5% lower than May 2024 and 27.5% lower than June 2023.

The fact long term rates are declining must be viewed within the context of the wider ocean freight container shipping market where short term rates are currently spiraling upwards.

Read more about the long-term ocean freight market on Europe, Far East and the US in the full XSI® report.

Read XSI Report HERE

XSI® Public Indices Content

The monthly XSI® Public Indices report gives an indication of the global market movements in the container shipping industry focusing on the long-term market for the biggest regions in the world:

  • Global index
  • Far East indices (import/export)
  • Europe indices (import/export)
  • US Indices (import/export)
Xeneta_XSI Mockup


  • Rates pulled from Xeneta’s ocean and air freight platform of 400M+ contracted rates
  • Rates delivered from freight forwarders and shippers
  • Based on long-term contracts only - contracts valid more than 88 days
  • Indices based on an aggregation of trade-weighted corridors
  • Indices rates surcharges are based on all-in CY/CY pricing methodology
  • Global index is a combination of worldwide trade-weighted corridors not limited to US, Europe and Far East indices
Looking for short-term rates? Click here

Disclaimer: Xeneta does not recommend price setting on this market report as it is based on an aggregation of trade-weighted uncorrelated corridors. If you are interested in index-based contracting, contact us to learn about XSI® index-linked contracting.