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Xeneta for Air Freight Adds Short-Term Rates

Xeneta for Air Freight enhances its offering with short-term rates and CLIVE Data Services’ ‘dynamic load factor’ data to deliver complete air cargo market intelligence.

We are happy to announce a major enhancement to our Xeneta for Air Freight offering. Xeneta for Air freight now includes short-term and long-term rate data as well as the integration of CLIVE Data Services' dynamic load factor and capacity data.  

The enhanced Xeneta for Air Freight delivers a new level of insight into the very latest air cargo developments to help users make sense of the increasingly complex and volatile air freight sector. 

Throughout the past year, we have been gathering feedback from our customer base, understanding and helping them to navigate the current disruption. The upheaval and record-high rates and capacity crunches faced on the ocean side are trickling over to the air freight market. Thus, the need to be on top of the two most volatile markets, ocean and air, with on-demand rate and supply-side data has never been more important. 

We saw that in such a dynamic environment, our air freight customers found that contracted rates simply weren't actionable and spot rates played ‘by a new set of rules’, with fluctuations that are both difficult to predict and stay abreast of. That's why we added the ability to view short-term, long-term rates and/or combined allowing customers to look up rates and act on them no matter the market conditions or unforeseen events. 

Informed Decisions is Key

Companies must be able to make informed decisions, based on the latest trends and fluctuations in the market. Our integration with CLIVE's dynamic load factor data supports this mission where together we offer integrated air freight intelligence to make smarter air freight decisions.

CLIVE Data Services’ ‘dynamic load factor’ challenges the industry’s traditional methodology of measuring load factor based purely on weight utilization which presents a misleading picture of how full flights are. Based on the fact that flights nearly always ‘cube out’ before they ‘weigh out’, CLIVE’s analyses considers both the volume and weight perspectives of cargo flown and capacity available, presenting the most accurate update of cargo demand and how airlines are performing.


air - dynamic load factor and capacity index - clive


What's New in Xeneta for Air Freight?

  • Short-term Data – In addition to capacity data, we have also introduced short-term prices (rates valid for less than three months). These rates can be selected on the top of the dashboard or on the graph page. 
  • Contract Type: “All” – In addition to short-term contracts, we’ve also added the option to view all short-term and long-term contracts together into a single calculated price. This is useful in the case of viewing macro-level market movements. This option is also useful in cases where data coverage is low and more prices may be available by choosing “all”. 
  • “Contracted Within” – You are now able to view prices based on the timeframe in which they were contracted. For example, you may now choose to see only prices from contracts signed within the past one month or past three months. These rates can be selected on the top of the dashboard or on the graph page. 
  • Air Freight Dynamic Load Factor & Capacity Data – Xeneta now features a high-level view of supply and demand data for major air trades on the Market Trends page. 
  • New Service Level: “Lower-tier and Mid-tier” – Similar to “All Contracts”, we’ve created a new service level that combines both lower and mid-tier rates into a single average. Since early-2020, we’ve seen a decreasing price gap between these two services, as well as a tighter correlation in pricing. This option is also useful in areas of lower data coverage. These rates can be selected on the top of the dashboard or on the graph page. 


Learn more about Xeneta for Air Freight here


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