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Using Xeneta to Get a Real-Time View of the Ocean Market and Improve Procurement Decision Making

Before Xeneta: Background and Challenges

Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, manages a multi-billion-dollar operation with a vast and complex supply chain. To support its sophisticated processes and global ocean freight sourcing strategy, Nestlé needed to invest in business-critical market intelligence tools.

To justify the expense and maximize the ROI, they were looking for real-time and on-demand global market intelligence that could enhance their internal communication with ocean carriers, improve the efficiency of their day-to-day activities such as spot market procurement, and support with in-depth internal research requests for market analysis.


The Solution: Pathway to Success

After evaluating various options, Nestlé selected Xeneta as the optimal global ocean freight rate benchmarking & market analytics platform. Xeneta's extensive data density and worldwide rate coverage aligned perfectly with Nestlé's global trading needs.

The platform's ability to provide an in-depth view of contracts based on specific criteria, such as separating out long and short-term rates, and its capacity to update ocean container freight rates around the clock made it an invaluable tool for Nestlé. Additionally, Xeneta's functionality to define specific business terms relative to THC charges at the origin-destination offered clear value.


After Xeneta: Outcomes and Wins

Implementing Xeneta enabled Nestlé to gain real-time insights into the ocean market, providing the market transparency need to enhance their procurement decision-making. The platform's comprehensive data and continuous updates gave Nestlé the insight needed to stay ahead of market trends, making immediate business decisions more informed and effective.

With the ability to quickly search and tailor the data they see to fit their needs, the company significantly simplified their contract management processes and streamlined a large amount of their previously manual workload.


The Future: Resilience & A Competitive Edge

With Xeneta's continuous growth and expanding product portfolio, Nestlé expects to maintain their competitive edge in global ocean freight procurement. The partnership with Xeneta will likely evolve, providing even more advanced tools and insights to further optimize Nestlé's supply chain management and procurement strategies.

While we found several benchmarking services available in the market, we found none of them to be as broad in scope and up to date as Xeneta. Also, none of them were as compatible with our functional requirements. Would I recommend Xeneta? Certainly, Yes.
Global Freight Lead


About Nestle

Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company, responsible for managing more than 2,000 brands across 189 countries. The company manufactures products in 413 factories spread across 85 countries with a turnover in 2017 totalling US$ 89.9 billion. Annually, Nestlé globally ships an average of 500,000 TEUs.

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